13 January, 2007

Talk of the walk !

So you are hurted again. Feeling angry like any thing. But why do you hold others responsible ? Weren't you aware something will go wrong ? you were. Did you think twice ? no even never.Well, we humans are suppose to do mistakes and eventually not learning anyway. You don't want to consider your enemies because of what they are or where they are. Yet inspiration doesn't need any relationship.She said "there are always two meanings of any thing". But can you tell me madam why do you always pick negative one ? Same words could have been interpreted in a different way.
One of my buddies said me some day," Every bright face has its own black secrets. Brighter the face, darker the secret". I'm not agree but not disagree too. Very few people take great care while chosing relationships. Sounds good. You generate a philosophy by experimenting with life. But your chemistry may be physics for some one and life is like that so it does prevail. We can not plan everything in our life but we can surely opt/make a way, you want to live it. What could be worst ? simple ! oppisite of what could be best. Every wish granted, every dream lived up to your wildest desire. Contrast ? Almost nothing not even ur minutest desire. Where does equilibrium stay ? It should be some where. Am I talking something called "understanding ". It can not be borrowed, it's to be created and it's also can't be created by saying too. First you have to love and then sense not vice-versa.
Every-thing can't be yours in turn of sweets. You are matured enough, you can learn from mistake but surely can't apply same procedure again because direction will hazy after one step or you will feel like that. Still you have options to repeat/recreate same mistake.Infinite people/perceptions,infinite, infinite learning but do they all worth doing ? Answers lie within. Except your faith, no-one encourage you in best way. But do all they suppose to be bench mark? You don't believe in GOD but good exists in your world, so does bad. You trade your goodness and expect same. But how would you make believe people your good is "real good". Life is tough yet worth living. You can not make some-one understand your ethics, infact you don't have time to make one understood. When being good didn't work being bad is not the other way out. Some mysteries reveal only with time. So be it . What matters, is your stand. Once decided/taken, let it take it's own course. Such thing will follow you, upto the day you are a human. Mistakes cost badly but enrich you with one more perception. Yet richest is not the noblest. So use what can fetch you best and keep playing with different balances, who knows one day you learn balancing in best way. Just don't be a slave of imotions, live it,the way it can be lived best afterall its YOUR LIFE man.......even if you were wrong it will add only one silly mistake in your portfolio.......so .......... NJOY !

1 comment:

Subhra Das said...

first of all thnx for ur comments on my blog...n abt ur article hv to say ways of life were exactly put into the correct form of words...life does teach us a lot of things from whch we are supposed to learn but most of the time we choose the negative option coz as we say we r humans!!!